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Increasingly, businesses are turning to sophisticated landscape design to attract employees with beautiful and inspiring campuses. Many studies have shown that these outdoor spaces can generate creativity, decrease stress, and increase productivity in the workplace. In the retail environment, commercial properties incorporate streetscapes, green entryways, plazas, and verdant landscapes to create a welcoming and pleasant shopping experience. Often these two modes are combined into an integrated work-shop-play environment, where a well-designed, cohesive, and appealing exterior environment creates the attraction.


One example of this integrated corporate and commercial environment is my work designing three city blocks of Amazon’s Seattle Headquarters. These were urban “infill” projects that combined over a hundred thousand square feet of vertical office space, and new dining and retail areas, with outdoor public/private amenities, including gathering spaces, fitness structures, dog parks, green roofs, wastewater management, public art, wayfinding infrastructure, and lush gardens.


These outdoor spaces work seamlessly with the adjacent architecture through close collaboration with design partners ranging from civil engineers and city planners to interior architects and Amazon’s Public Relations team, and always in close communication with contractors to see the smallest details executed to plan.

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